Sunday, June 9, 2013

STUDY | Tips and advice

So I should be writing this post for myself... I'm having a terrible time trying to study and it's only Monday. So many things are distracting me!! (Game of Thrones final episode ESPECIALLY)

Anyway, this is a post if you are having studying problems as well. Even though I think most countries/schools in the Northern Hemisphere are already done/finishing now, when Australia is finishing in a couple of weeks. But you can read this whenever you want then :)


1. Actually, maybe faster isn't a good thing. When you are studying, make sure to remember it's quality over quantity. Don't over stress yourself and cram in a whole subject in one day thinking doing a shitload of studying is better than less. If you go slower, then you will be able to absorb more into your brain and therefore become smarter therefore get better grades. But really, going over things you don't understand and making an effort to really understand it rather than maybe writing it down, highlighting it and then moving on makes a tonne of difference.

2. WATER. Stay hydrated, Charlie makes it very very clear that water is all anyone needs to be better at everything. If you're feeling sleepy or not motivated, drink some water. If you're feeling like you don't understand, drink water. If you're feeling hungry (not the actual hungry, but the bored hungry...I get this a lot), drink water. It keeps your brain fresh and ready to take in information and wakes you up and gives you more energy.

3. Take regular breaks. Again, like drinking water, it's important to keep your brain fresh and active. Staying cooped up inside with stale air and the same surroundings won't do much good. Create a plan for your study like 1 hour study : 15 minute break (and stick to it). During the break, go refill your water bottle, go for a walk, go buy some snacks, do some star jumps, call a friend, braid your hair etc.. anything BUT scroll through facebook or start watching a movie - things which WILL suck you in to their innocent yet very dangerous black holes of procrastination. You could even switch up your study space, and change it every 2 hours (I can't do that because my OCD will creep up and it will distract me, but some people might be able to)

4. Don't stay up late. I know it might seem like a good idea to go to bed at 2am to "just finish off this last one" but it really doesn't do any good. You're brain is probably fried after a day of studying and you need to reward it with a good sleep. If you're up that late, it's likely you won't take in anything you study properly anyway, so it's best to just leave it at that and then go to sleep relaxed and ready for a new day.

5. On that note, make sure you stop studying an hour or so before you sleep. Doesn't mean stay on the computer, because that wakes you up. Read a book (whether for study purposes or for fun...I don't mean a textbook though), have a shower/bath, prepare a snack, drink some tea etc. This would make it easier to fall asleep, for me anyway.

So basically, be kind to your brain! It does so much for you, you should repay the favour and treat it with kindness and being the selfless babe it is, your brain will feel a lot better and work harder for you. I found this photo on google, and though it was funny. I should get back to it now, instead of writing this!

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